Two years to go and counting!


Another birthday has come and gone, and thanks in large part to my team at work, it was a great day! It always strikes me how quickly the years fly by, and in particular this year, I felt sort of reluctant and melancholy about celebrating and/or making a big deal out of my birthday. I'm not sure why this year of all years felt so strange, but perhaps it's partly due to the fact that I'm at the age where birthdays bring you closer to milestones that seem to have so much weight attached to them. I guess it's my own fault for setting unreasonable expectations for myself, but sometimes I think about all the things I was "supposed" to accomplish by now and then make myself totally and completely depressed by focusing on how I haven't achieved many of those things. I know, it's absolutely, totally stupid and that is the main reason why I am here writing this blog post right now -- to remind myself that it's not about the things you don't accomplish in life, but more about the effort you make to fill your days with fun activities, meaningful relationships, continuous challenges and lots of laughter.

When I look back on the last year (..and a few months, since I technically started my 30 Things prior to my 27th birthday), it's striking to remember all the fun and unusual things I've done. From swimming with dolphins to riding in a hot air balloon, to going pretend sky-diving, having my fortune read by a psychic and even facing a "fear" singing karaoke in front of complete strangers, it's been a wild ride!

And the excitement has just begun! With more than half of my "things" still yet to tackle, I'm looking forward to another year of facing fears, learning new things and maybe even making a fool of myself. Here's what's coming up...

- At the end of August, I am attending the Celebration VI Star Wars Convention dressed in full nerd regalia and I simply can't wait! I actually ordered a custom-made Princess Leia gown that's fashioned after her attire during the ceremonial scene at the end of Episode IV. It's going to be awesome.
- Also in August I'm planning to go for my first acupuncture treatment after receiving a referral from a friend at work. I'm totally nervous about the pain, but excited to see if it's worth all the hype!
- In September, it looks like I may be crossing off my "be in the audience of a TV show" item by attending a Price is Right show in Lakeland. It's not exactly the real thing since it's not a taping of the actual show that airs with Drew Carey, but it may very well be good enough!

Hopefully as the rest of the year winds down, more "things" will fall into place, but for now, I'm excited to tackle the line-up that's presently in store. Thanks to everyone who has stuck with me during the first year of my adventure. I appreciate all of the support!

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